The Loyne has been a lead school in developing specialist provision for many years. We have been recognised as outstanding since 2008. Our drive is to maximise the life chances for all our pupils and, as an outward facing school, we embrace the shared responsibility for the wider SEND community through our research, School to School support and training.

Our mission statement ‘Working Together, Valuing Achievement’ encapsulates our purpose. ‘Working together’ starts with positive relationships with parents, carers, families, therapists and professionals and highlights the passion our staff have for a collaborative approach to developing support and provision. ‘Valuing achievement’, emphasises our attention to detail and the respect we have for our pupils’ accomplishments, however small and in whatever sphere of their life, as they each demonstrate their unique potential.

All of our pupils are seen and known as individuals. Within our safe, stimulating and nurturing environment we provide challenge and encourage resilience. Our curriculum is diverse and flexible to ensure we meet the needs of the whole child. We encourage each pupil to be creative, reflective and as independent as possible so that they can flourish. We aim to ensure that all we do will have a positive impact upon their future life.